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‘You are My Children and in you I am well pleased.’ When God gave us this word Wednesday morning, our ears received it with gladness and our hearts were full of joy.

We’ve come to the end of a 10-day mission that has had it’s highs and lows, but mostly highs. Top of the list being the servant leadership from Pastors Samuel and Samson of Uzima Christian Centre. Together with their wives, they put aside their schedules for our sake and the sake of the Gospel. They have greater blessings awaiting them.

Another high was being in Watamu Marine Park. Pictures can’t capture the experience we had there Wednesday morning, swimming with beautiful fish and seeing corals so magnificent in form and colour that leave you without a doubt that God exists. When He declared ‘It is good’, it was indeed.

We’re now on the bus headed back to Nairobi to get there before sunrise.

It’s been quite an adventure that stretched us all to our limits. If we were to do it again, we would because the harvest is plenty, and the labourers are few.

Over and out.
Sharp Shooter

It’s so hard to say goodbye to Watamu.

The warm fellowshipers from  Uzima Christian Centre have made us feel like we’re at home. From giving up their daily routines to host, cook and show us around, and even accompanying us to Katsangani.

Our prayers Tuesday evening were in thanksgiving to God for their kind hearts and for their increase.

Tuesday morning, Pastor Samuel gave us an interactive talk on how to share the Gospel with Muslims. Wow… there was no one better suited to learn from, seeing that he was once a Muslim but is now on fire for Jesus! In the afternoon, we went to A Roche, a Christian conservation organisation that is nurturing God’s environment. It was founded in Portugal and operates first as a Christian organisation then an environmental one. They’re doing very exciting projects with the communities here that have benefited the brightest of students.
They also have a lovely beachfront which we got to enjoy during high tide.

Wednesday morning will be spent snorkeling in Watamu Marine Park. Talk about saving the best for last!

More later.

Sharp Shooter.

Monday is a day of rest for Mavuno interns. That’s when they’re in Nairobi which is 600km away. So, despite working all day Sunday as they do when in Mavuno, there was no rest Monday.

After breakfast, the team headed to Watamu Primary for a career guidance and counselling session. It will suprise you as it did me that the Discovery Team at Mavuno is full of highly trained professionals who are the envy of any multinational. Bachelors and Masters – they have them all. And not just from local but also foreign universities that many struggle to receive admittance into. Some were people working in top management both locally and internationally but have given all that up to serve God. So next time you see someone wearing an ‘intern’ tag at Mavuno, shake their hand and give them all the hesh they deserve.

So there was no better team to give the young ones in Watamu advice on career. Speaker after speaker, each gave advice on career avenues in politics and governance, health and environment, media and arts, family and education, business and economics, church and mission.

Mothers took notes for their children who couldn’t make it, and the young ones who could filled pages with notes. At the end of the three hour session, those in attendance left knowing selecting a career isn’t about how much money one can make, but where God wants you to impact society using the passion and skills He’s put in you.

To crown it all, one young man left with more than career guidance – he left having met Christ.

The afternoon was spent in a deserted siesta for some and area exploration for others. Tuesday we receive advice on how to evangelise to non Christians from our host Pastor Samuel then visit an environmental conservation centre in Watamu in the afternoon.

More later.

Sharp Shooter.